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How many of my Twitter followers are even active anymore?

Half of all Twitter users are inactive, but how many of those are your followers?

Whether you have 100,000 followers or 100, the question always lingers: "how many of these people even use Twitter anymore?"

This report uses the "last tweet dates of (up to) your most recent 10,000 followers to find out how many have used Twitter in the last day, week, month, quarter, and year.

1 page PDF

Creation Time:
~20 minutes

Email (provided during checkout)

Not required (you can run this report for any account, not just your own)

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Gregg Blanchard

I'm a digital marketer and code wrangler who is tired of always having to sign up for a $100/mo platform just to use 5% of the features. By day I'm on the front lines of marketing, content, and social for a hospitality CRM. By night, I play with my darn cute family and create the reports you see here.